White House Website Announcement

In September of 2015, The Daily Caller reported that President Barack Obama
issued an Executive Order to authorize the Feds to conduct "behavioral experiments" on U.S. citizens.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Will Police Victory Translate Into Larger Liberty for Arizonan’s?

Arizona law enforcement communities realized a resounding victory today when the Arizona House of Representatives unanimously passed AZ HB 2350 authorizing law enforcement personnel to receive workers compensation for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The bill now heads to the Arizona Senate to be considered.

The fact that law enforcement has served our communities as first responders in the most dangerous and stressful times should go without saying. We collectively owe the police a great big “thank you” for their courage, service, and sacrifice.

This brings up a potentially detrimental blow to the prohibition of Marijuana/Cannabis in Arizona. Green Cross Patient Center lists PTSD as a qualifying condition for receiving medical Marijuana in Arizona. However, is it moral for a society to outlaw natural remedies to maladies? I assert that it is not. We as a society should not restrict anyone from acquiring a natural resource to self-medicate.

Furthermore, what do you think that the political and professional implications would be if a police officer would seek a natural treatment for a mental health issue? Would their job be in jeopardy? Would they even be allowed to drive?

The Marijuana Policy Project has worked hard to get the legalization of recreational use of Cannabis on the ballot in Arizona’s November 2016 election.

Again, we owe law enforcement a huge “thank you” for keeping our communities safe and I assert that the best way to do so is to remove any barriers and stigmas that would stand in the way of them seeking and receiving treatment for their mental health.

Politics in the State of Arizona seems to now be directly impacting the safety of all citizens.

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